Pacha Mama day. August 01 Mother earth International day
Nowadays, a lot of countries in the world adopted this beautiful word, Mother Earth, in order to call nature. Since the last century, after the second world war, a lot of people decided to leave in peace with Nature. How was born this beautiful meaning of mother earth? Let me tell you here the purpose of why my ancestors the Andean people decided to call nature as mother earth.
August first is the International day of mother earth Pacha Mama. According to Andean people’s beliefs, Pacha Mama is representing the spirit of the Earth. She is representing the female side of the Inca beliefs. Therefore, Andean people were aware to make some offerings to her. Andean people used to be grateful for the things that they received, along the year, from the Mother Earth.
PACHA MAMA in the Andean beliefs.
If we talk about the Andean beliefs, Mother earth will be a big concept, the meaning of Pacha Mama in English will be Mother Earth. However, Pacha Mama for Andean people was representing more than the same meaning. For Andean people, she represents the female side. The opposite of her will be Pacha Tata or Pachacamac.
Pacha Mama and Pacha Tata will be the spirits of the creation. Both of them will represent all the cosmos and the Universe. For some other Andean Nations, Pacha Mama will represent time and space. Therefore, they say that mother earth is wherever.
Pacha mama was in the Andean worldview since the first natives land America. Probably she existed in manu¡y parts of America, but unfortunately, people forgot her. Something that Andean natives learned was to live in harmony and balance with Nature before Europe bring their beliefs.
Something beautiful that Andean people used to practice, was the strong respect that they had to Pacha Mama. We can leave you this Linck if you want to see a video for Mother earth’s day.
Nowadays, we celebrate Pacha Mama’s day every august first. Because during this month the farmers prepare the earth for the next crop plantations. In the Andes, agriculture has a strong connection with the Andean region. Andean people, we believe that Pacha Mama is hungry like people. That is the reason, why we make the offerings.
Since a long time ago, Andean people were making offerings to Pacha Mama. According to the Andean nations, they have different festivities. Quechuas and Aymaras Nations make special offerings. Basically, in these offerings, we can find a lot of seeds, corn grains, seashells, candies, two small dolls that represent Pacha Mama and Pacha Tata. Finally, the most important element is the Coca Leaves. Coca leaves are really important for our Andean Society. If you are interested to make a Pacha Mama offering, we can help you here Katu Peru Tours
The Ayni has a close meaning to reciprocity. Ayni was the way how Andean people live in peace and happiness. This reciprocity that people practice at the Andes is not obligated. Ayni is beautiful reciprocity. Andean people give and help without the idea to receive something in return.
The Incas were the last culture in South America that used to follow the Andean beliefs. The Incas developed a lot many things, including religion and Life Philosophy. They were practicing many beliefs with just one purpose. It was the life quality, health, and happiness. All these important things come to us only if we practice reciprocity with Pacha Mama. It is really incredible that Andean People already was practicing sustainability with Nature.
There is another beautiful and small offering that everybody can do at home. It is just using the Sacred Coca leaves. We take three Cocal leaves and we thank Pacha Mama and de mountains for everything that they give us. We pick up three Coca leaves because it represents the balance of the three Andean worlds, it represents the balance and connection.between our spiritual side with the Physical and mental side. Also, it represents the three Values that Andeans we practice to understand Ayni.
Yachay: We have to know what is surrounding us
Munay: Once you know the first, you have to know to like what is surrounding you
Ruay: After you learn the two first values, You know what to do for a good life, for you, for the rest and for PACHA MAMA.